
This section provides the information for the beginners and experienced traders. The articles from the section “For traders” mention the analysis and forecast of the price changes in the Forex market, the principles of brokerage companies comprehensive selection and basic knowledge of how to work with signals. Furthermore, the beginning traders will find here the instruction of trading quick start and how to compare the trading conditions of several brokers with the help of the special GuruTrade service.

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Quick start

If you've decided to connect your life with Forex market trading, but don't know where to start, GuruTrade will become your reliable guide in the world of financial speculation. The trader in the Forex market is a professional speculator who takes the greatest possible profit from trading and thanks to the rich trading experience can manage not only his own deposit but also means of the attracted clients (investors).

How to compare the brokers

Forex brokers provide to the traders access to transactions in the international exchange market - Forex. To choose the most suitable for trading company visitors of the GuruTrade portal have the opportunity to use the Catalog of Forex brokers, and also the Catalog of binary options brokers. In these sections, you will find detailed information about the current rating, trading instruments and special offers of brokers. Catalogs are regularly updated and display the most up-to-date information on each broker company.

Real time monitoring

Forex market is the world's most active and changeable financial platform and if you want to achieve success in this industry, you should always keep an ear to the ground and to be aware of current events. Some participants get from Forex quite good dividends, but others just complete disappointment and waste funds. Most of the beginning speculators dream to make “big money” fast. They don't realize how much time, efforts and financial resources should be spent to achieve set goals.

Forecast profitability

Available cash often generates temptation to spend it for any purchases, but there is always an alternative way of its growth by an investment in Forex. Using the competent approach and the thought-over trading tactics in the Forex market, the profit of the professional speculator can constitute to 50 and more percent a year. For this purpose, the successful trader should use tried and tested trading strategy for the account opened at the reliable broker. To become such specialist, it is a high-priority task for every trader.

Plan and analyze

The key to success in the Forex market is a carefully thought-out trading strategy based on the current market situation analysis and the forthcoming events capable of affecting further market behavior. Daily participants of the market are affected by the huge range of information caused by proportions of the world financial market and the amounts of the means involved in its work. In the light of it the important role in exchange market forecasting is played by regularly published Analytics of brokers.

Keep the track of events

“He who owns the information - owns the world” -, is the acknowledged saying especially actual for currency trading. Every second in the Forex market takes place a set of processes any of which can reverse a situation by the most cardinal methods. Thus, for successful trading it is necessary to be aware of world events in economic, political and social spheres. GuruTrade offers you the opportunity to keep the track of Forex market key events in a business work environment.

Experience VS accident

Each trader has his own story in the Forex market. Someone achieves stunning success, someone suffers failures, however, everyone has supervision and secrets which make a profit, or acceptances which help to avoid severe losses. According to the statistics, only 5% of traders steadily gain a real income in the Forex market, about 20% trade without significant profit, and the remained majority - 75%, or ¾ all players, - lose their funds.

How to become a Trader in CopyFX system

Each trader constantly searches for the most effective option of earning. For this purpose he needs a good broker, suitable trading conditions, the possibility of fast account depositing and withdrawal of funds from it, and also many others, smaller, but not the least important trading attributes. And now imagine that there is an opportunity to gain an additional income on Forex account, without increasing the risks. If you are ready for trading in such a way - welcome to CopyFX system!

To be trader is...

To be trader means to be the professional stock exchange player. To be able to foresee the market directions, to analyze the received data and to be brave and maintain his composure. Basically, the trader should control the market to perform successful financial transactions.

The trader should keep in mind

If the trader wants to keep an ear to the ground, he needs a wide range of supporting tools. In this section you have an opportunity to reconsider several points of your trading. You will be able to identify what type of traders you refer, to compare the brokers and to find the most suitable broker to you, to reconsider your choice of the trading account or just to choose an account, to select the trading signals or to find out how to become the signals provider. All this information you will find in this section.

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