FBS - News


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    Another Dream Just Came True

    Once again, it is time for you to meet someone whose dream came true with a bit of help from FBS.

    Mahmoud Mohamed is a simple family man from Mansoura, Egypt. He dreamed of starting up a library project to help educate his three kids and people in his community. This project was definitely something FBS had to get behind!

    To start a library, Mr. Mohamed needed a printer and a photocopier. We fulfilled that wish with pleasure. Hopefully, his library will bring a lot of good to the community! We thank him for such an honorable project. 

    We try to make sure as many dreams as possible get fulfilled, so if you have a selfless wish, we’re ready to come to your aid. On the Dreams Come True page, you’ll find all the instructions.

    We’re looking forward to meeting our future winners!

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